Eyal Shpringer, MSc, Dipl. CM, Cl. Hb
Eyal is a practitioner of Classical Chinese Medicine, specialising in Chinese nutrition and traditional nutritional approaches. Shpringer was trained in Acupuncture, Chinese and Western medicinal herbs and Tuina, Macrobiotics, Ayurvedic and Chinese nutrition.
Eyal is a Member of the Israeli Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
He is the former director of The Center of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Oncology Division, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov), Israel.
Innovator of the TEF Method, which involves the integration of nutritional tools of various healing traditions from across the world. Teaches a training course for therapists in the method.
Former coordinator of the nutrition field at the ICCM congress.
On the year 2012, Eyal was elected by ‘Sinit’, the leading website of Israel’s Chinese medicine community, as one of the four most influential figures in Chinese medicine in Israel.
He is the co-author of the book “Cooking for Life: Traditional Cooking for Oncological Patients” (published in Hebrew).
- Basic training of four years as a practitioner of Chinese Medicine (Dipl. Ac.), training in the field of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese nutrition, and as a senior Tuina therapist at Medicin College, Tel Aviv.
- Licensed as a Clinical Herbalist (Cl Hb) at Ran Herbs College, Israel.
- A graduate of the MSc program in Advanced Oriental Medicine (research and practice) of the northern college of acupuncture (NCA) in partnership with Middlesex University, London.
- Advanced studies in China at the Universities of Chéngdū and Shāndōng in acupuncture and Tuina for children and adults.
- Continuing Studies in acupuncture according to the Stems and Branches method, at the Van Buren School, under the instruction of Adi Goldenberg Magen, a student of Mr Van Buren.
- Graduate of a two-year course in advanced acupuncture- C.C.T.M, under the auspices of the Ancient Chinese Association, facilitated by Mr Peter van Kervel.
- Two-year training under the apprenticeship of Dr Myra Niazov, Doctor and acupuncturist specialising in Chinese nutrition and Macrobiotics. Continued teaching and working with Dr Niazov for another five years.
- Participation in the “Sure Path” course for the thorough understanding of the role of acupuncture points, led by Mr Avichai Volchek.
- Studied Ayurvedic nutrition for four years under the instruction of the Ayurvedic practitioner and Yoga teacher, Mr Phillip Lombard.
Experience as a Practitioner and Teacher:
- Practitioner of Chinese nutrition and Tuina since 2000, and acupuncture and herbal medicine since 2004.
- 2007-2009, coordinator in the field of Chinese nutrition- Macrobiotic at the Ella Center, Clinic and Teaching Center, specializing in ancient Chinese medicine.
- Worked for four years at the Reut Rehabilitative Center in Tel Aviv.
- One year of work and research within the framework of the Rehabilitation Dept. of Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv.
- Guiding students in Alternative Medicine as part of activities at the Spivak Sports Center for the Disabled, Ramat Gan.
- Guiding students of Alternative Medicine as part of the Tzahalon Geriatric Center, Jaffa.
- Teaching Tuina Chi Kong and other fields of Chinese Medicine for four years as part of Medicin College, Tel Aviv.
- Teaching Tuina and Qi Kong as a senior lecturer at Broshim Campus, Tel Aviv University.
- Teaching Nutrition as part of the Ancient Chinese Medicinal Studies Program at the Hebrew University, Rehovot.
- Coordinator of continuing studies for Tuina practitioners as part of the Reut Rehabilitation Center, Tel Aviv.
- A guest lecturer in the “Chinese Classics” module at the MSc program in Advanced Oriental Medicine of the northern college of acupuncture , York.
- Coordinator of Specialization Course for Practitioners in Chinese Nutrition at the Broshim Campus at Tel Aviv University, nowadays under the auspices of the TEF method, Tel Aviv.
Lecturer at Professional Conferences and Various Seminars, Including:
- ICCM Congress- Lecturer on the subject of external Macrobiotic therapies and coordinator of the field of manual therapies, 2008. Lecturer on the subject of nutrition and coordinator of the nutrition field at the 2011 congress.
- Guest lecturer on the subject of nutrition and oncology as part of the seminar for practitioners of Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine in oncology at the Davidoff Center, Bellinson Hospital (2008, 2011,2013,2015,2016)
- Lecturer at the Conference on Traumas on a Discognic background at the Assaf HaRofeh Hospital (2007).
- Lecturer on the subject of the usage of medicinal herbs for external applications at the Maccabi Conference for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (2009).
- Lecturer on the subject of oriental face diagnosis as part of the Herbalists Conference, Medicine From the Earth Conference(2010)
- Lecturer on the subject of face and body diagnosis at the Conference of the Israeli Reflexologist Association(2010)
- Lecturer on the subject of face and body diagnosis at the Conference of Cosmetic Acupuncturists at Broshim Campus (2010).
- Regular lecturer on the subject of nutrition for external appearance as part of the specialization course on cosmetic acupuncture- Broshim Campus, Tel Aviv University (2010- today).
- Lecturer on the subject of face diagnosis at the conference of the Israeli Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine(2010).
- Lecturer on the subject of internal diseases treatment with Chinese herbs as part of an advanced course for Chinese medicinal herbs therapists under the auspices of the CHI Center, under the management of Shachar Davidman (2010).
- Lecturer on the subject of evaluating personality through face diagnosis as part of Conference of the Israeli Shiatsu Association(2011).
- Conference of the Israeli Foundation for Herbal Medicine lectured on the subject of detoxification with herbs and nutrition. Presentation of cases and participation in professional panel (2011).
- Conference of the Israeli Association for Chinese Medicine on the subject of pregnancy, birth, and nursing. Lecturer on the subject of nutrition after birth (2011).
- Conference ‘Nutrition Before Medication’, lectured about herbal medicine and longevity in Chinese medicine (2012)
- Guest lecturer on the subject of nutrition for children within the specialization course for pediatric Chinese medicinal practitioners, under the auspices of Refuot– Meidtaf, under the coordination of Dr Gali Shtopman (2012).
- Lecturer at two conferences of the Israeli Association for Herbal Medicine on the topics of Herbal medicine and ageing of the brain and herbal medicine for improving blood circulation(2012).
- ICCM Congress gave a workshop on blood and lymph systems in the traditional medicines: theory and treatment with nutrition. (2012).
- The conference of the Israeli Association for Herbal Medicine lectured about women’s health (2013).
- Conference ‘Nutrition Before Medication’, lectured on the topic of Chinese medical nutrition and osteoporosis (2013).
- The Israel MS society, lectured on the topic of treatment of MS with Chinese medicine(2013,2014).
- Guest lecturer on the subject of nutrition for IBD within the postgraduate course for pediatric Chinese medicine practitioners under the coordination of Mr Nir Solomon. (2013)
- ICCM Congress, lectured on the topic of “Cooking for life – oriental medical nutrition for cancer patients”.(2014).
- Herbalists Conference- “Medicine From the Earth”, lectured on the topic of “matching local herbs using tongue diagnosis” (2014).
- The Israeli Medical Association conference of integrative medicine, lectured on the topic of ‘Herbs From The Chinese Medicine found in the Near East (2014)
- Teaching a seminar initiated by Micolivia Company on the topic of ‘Medicinal Mushrooms from Chinese Medicine’(2014).
- The ICCM Congress initiated a day of study on the topic of ‘Traditional Medicine and The Treatment of The Stomach’. Lectured on ‘The Place where A Porridge Becomes Dangerous- Diagnosis and Treatment of Dumping Syndrom’ (2015).
- The ICCM theme day on the topic of ‘Insomnia and Sleeping Problems’, lectured on ‘Making the Monster Sleep-Traditional Nutrition for Insomnia’ (2015)
- Herblists conference – ‘Medicine From the Earth’, lectured on the topic: ‘Herbs From Chinese Medicine Found in the Near East (2014).
- The Israeli Association of TCM lectured on ‘Simple Home Remedies to Ease Digestion’ (2015)
- Lecturer for the general public in various settings, such as Ella Center, Broshim Campus, courses for the general public together with Dr Myra Nyazov, “Turning Point” program for the support of cancer patients under the management of Dr Shahar Lev Ari, coordination and supervision of Healthy Cooking in the Pediatric Hemato-oncology Department project at Sheba Medical Center, teaching Chi Kong and Tai Chi in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Publication of Articles in a variety of journals and newspapers in Israel, including Israeli Association for Traditional Chinese Healing quarterly, Association for Ancient Chinese Medicine monthly (Nekudat Mifgash- Meeting Point), Israeli Reflexologists Association Newspaper, Israeli Naturopathic Association monthly, “Chotem Sin- Chinese Seal”- a periodical for Chinese and Oriental medicine, “Kol HaTzemachim- The Voice of the Herbs”- the magazine of the Israeli Foundation for Medicinal Herbs, ZENEWS- the professional bulletin for practitioners from Zan Herb Company, Orez- the Israeli periodical for Chinese medicine, “Sinit” website, for practitioners in Chinese medicine, and assorted articles in popular newspapers and internet sites such as YNET, Saloon, Nana10, Menta, Dr Young, and more.
About my Career: One of the central issues I encounter as a researcher, practitioner and lecturer, is the application of the traditional nutritional therapeutic tools in a clinic. One of the prominent features of the tools of nutritional therapy is the necessity of active involvement of the patient in the recovery process.
While other treatment techniques in Chinese Medicine such as acupuncture and medicinal herbs are capable of being performed almost entirely in a way that conforms to tradition and ancient writings, nutritional therapies go beyond the clinic into the daily life of the patient, who is not living in the far-east. My guidance encounters the patient during his shopping, his relationship with his family which are expressed around the dinner table, and the cultural context where he comes from.
Already from an early stage, I understood that my role as a nutritional therapist is to bridge between the world of concepts and raw materials of Chinese medicine and nutrition to the patient who lives here in the Middle East or in Europe, for whom the Chinese concepts are foreign. I understood that in order to meet the needs of the patient, a wider theoretic foundation is required, which will contain and recognize all of the varied foods which the modern world has to offer. I was fascinated by the similar voices which arose from the different traditional approaches, and my curiosity even increased when I discovered places where these approaches contradicted each other. From these discrepancies arose a new understanding of healing and the healing impact of food.
Today, I use knowledge of Chinese nutrition, written and folk, together with knowledge of other ancient nutritional traditions. The combined knowledge contributes to the deepened understanding of the way food impacts health and helps me meet patients from different cultural backgrounds and to communicate with them in their own language. In addition to Chinese knowledge, I am assisted in my work with information taken from additional methods, such as Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, and traditional approaches which arose in the Mideast such as Greek and Arabic medicine, traditional nutritional healing of the different Jewish diasporas, and local nutritional traditions. A combination of these approaches gives me additional perspectives to understand the mechanism of illness and the healing effect of food while keeping the energetic language that characterises Chinese nutrition and its application with more success and flexibility.
Another tool that helps me in attracting patients to the clinical process is the use of face and body diagnosis. Face diagnosis doesn’t only serve me as a diagnostic tool, but also as an additional means in creating a common language with the patient, and in harnessing the patient through illustrating his medical situation and its improvement.
Eyal Shpringer, Dipl.Ac.Cl.Hb
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